Смотреть фильм "Jipers Kripers 4" онлайн бесплатно
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- Название фильма: Jipers Kripers 4
- Опубликовано: 08.10.2022
- Качество: HD
- Дубляж: Professional (PRO)
Описание фильма
Do'sti bilan Horror Hound festivaliga borishga qaror qilgan Leyn xursand emas. Voqea yaqinlashganda, qiz oldindan sezish va bezovta qiluvchi ko'rinishlar bilan azoblana boshlaydi. Festivalning o'rtasida Leyn allaqachon g'ayritabiiy narsa sodir bo'layotganiga amin bo'ldi va u dahshatli voqea o'rtasida.
Решив отправиться со своим парнем на Horror Hound Festival, Лейн не испытывает радости. По мере приближения события девушку начинают мучить предчувствия и тревожные видения. В разгар фестиваля Лейн уже уверена, что происходит нечто сверхъестественное, и она находится в эпицентре ужасающего события.
Roles of actors:
1) Sydney Craven (Laine)
2) Imran Adams (Chase)
3) Jarreau Benjamin (The Creeper)
4) Matt Barkley (Jamie)
5) Peter Brooke (Stu)
6) Ocean Navarro ()
7) Gary Graham ()
8) Gabriel Freilich (Sam)
9) Terry Bird (Officer Edwards)
10) Georgia Goodman (Lady Manilla)
11) Helen Lauren (Medic)
12) Colin Murtagh (Festival Hillbilly)
13) Alexander Halsall ()
14) Sophie Walker (Girl in cosplay)
15) Jodie Mcmullen ()
16) Reece Shenton (Creeper stuntman)
17) Joseph Tanner Paul (Clown (Curry))
18) Dee Wallace (Marie)
People who worked on the film:
1) Michael Ohoven (Producer)
2) Timo Vuorensola (Director)
3) Jamie R. Thompson (Executive Producer)
4) Sean-Michael Argo (Screenplay)
5) Sean-Michael Argo (Writer)
6) Jake Seal (Producer)
7) Simon Rowling (Director of Photography)
8) Tim Hands (Supervising ADR Editor)
9) Matthew McCabe (Boom Operator)
10) Eric Potter (Editor)
11) Jason Rayment (Visual Effects Supervisor)
12) Lee Broda (Executive Producer)
13) Chris Lyons (Special Effects Makeup Artist)
14) Alastair Burlingham (Executive Producer)
15) Steven Harris (Prosthetic Makeup Artist)
16) Michael Musante (Executive Producer)
17) Danny Zamost (Executive Producer)
18) Lea James (Makeup Designer)
19) Billy Bannister (Sound Mixer)
20) Seth Needle (Executive Producer)
21) Trevor Gureckis (Original Music Composer)
22) Tom Anderson (Boom Operator)
23) Gary Raskin (Executive Producer)
24) Suraj Gohill (Executive Producer)
25) Terry Bird (Executive Producer)
26) Terry Bird (Visual Effects Producer)
27) David Nagelberg (Executive Producer)
28) Matthew Kurtin (Executive Producer)
29) Carey Kurtin (Executive Producer)
30) Elizabeth Primm (Executive Producer)
31) Mark Mariani (Executive Producer)
32) Janelle Mariani (Executive Producer)
33) Galen Rasmussen (Executive Producer)
34) Shannon Chandler (Executive Producer)
35) Keith Harding (Special Effects Supervisor)
36) Justine Arbuthnot (Costume Design)
37) India Arbuthnott (Costume Design)
38) Thea Alys Halleron-Place (Costume Design)
39) Luca Levai (Costume Design)
40) Sebby Spring (Wardrobe Designer)
41) Sorcha Fisher (Prosthetic Makeup Artist)
42) Addy Frame (Makeup Artist)
43) Kate Monroe Groves (Makeup Artist)
44) Harry J.N. Parsons (ADR Mixer)
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