Смотреть фильм "Kelajakdagi ayollar" онлайн бесплатно
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- Название фильма: Kelajakdagi ayollar
- Опубликовано: 10.10.2022
- Качество: FullHD
- Дубляж: Professional (PRO)
Описание фильма
Umidsiz yozuvchi to'liq A.I.ga yoziladi. Yozuvchining blokirovkasini davolash uchun orqaga chekindi, lekin dasturiy ta'minotda kutilmagan nosozlik yuz berganda, u beqaror android bilan va tashqi dunyo bilan aloqasi yo'q bo'lgan o'z bo'limiga tushib qoladi.
A desperate writer signs up for a fully A.I. operated retreat to cure her writer's block, but when an unforeseen software glitch occurs, she gets trapped inside her unit with an unstable android and no communication with the outside world.
Roles of actors:
1) Rachel Shelley (Claire Rivers)
2) Heida Reed (Rita)
3) Wayne Brady (Henry)
4) Annie Cusselle (Young Claire)
6) Bhasker Patel (Dr. Varma)
7) Claire Fox (Kate)
8) Martin Howard (Postman)
11) Sam Baxter (News Reporter (Voice only))
12) Natalie Kennedy (Emergency Recording (Voice only))
13) Winnie Southgate (Telephone Voice (Voice only))
People who worked on the film:
1) Rebecca-Clare Evans (Producer)
2) Stephen Herman (Writer)
3) Natalie Kennedy (Director)
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