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- Название фильма: La'natlangan orol
- Опубликовано: 10.10.2022
- Качество: SD
- Дубляж: Professional (PRO)
Описание фильма
Ikki amerikalik sud ijrochisi jinoiy aqldan ozganlar klinikasida bemorning g'oyib bo'lishini tekshirish uchun Massachusets oroliga yuboriladi. Tergov paytida ular yolg'on to'riga, qulagan bo'ronga va klinika aholisining halokatli g'alayoniga duch kelishlari kerak.
Два американских судебных пристава отправляются на один из островов в штате Массачусетс, чтобы расследовать исчезновение пациентки клиники для умалишенных преступников. При проведении расследования им придется столкнуться с паутиной лжи, обрушившимся ураганом и смертельным бунтом обитателей клиники.
Roles of actors:
1) Leonardo DiCaprio (Teddy Daniels)
2) Mark Ruffalo (Chuck Aule)
3) Ben Kingsley (Dr. John Cawley)
4) Michelle Williams (Dolores Chanal)
5) Max von Sydow (Dr. Jeremiah Naehring)
6) Emily Mortimer (Rachel Solando)
7) Jackie Earle Haley (George Noyce)
8) John Carroll Lynch (Deputy Warden McPherson)
9) Ted Levine (Warden)
10) Patricia Clarkson (Rachel 2)
11) Elias Koteas (Laeddis)
12) Robin Bartlett (Bridget Kearns)
13) Christopher Denham (Christian)
14) Joseph Sikora (Glen Miga)
15) Curtiss Cook (Trey Washington)
16) Gary Galone (Gate Guard)
17) John Franchi (Criminally Insane Inmate (uncredited))
18) Nellie Sciutto (Nurse Marino)
19) Raymond Anthony Thomas (Orderly Ganton)
20) Joseph McKenna (Inmate Billings)
21) Ruby Jerins (Little Girl)
22) Tom Kemp (Ward C Guard)
23) Bates Wilder (Ward C Guard)
24) Drew Beasley (Younger Boy)
25) Dan Marshall (U.S. G.I. at Dachau Liberation / German S.S. Officer Killed (uncredited))
26) Bree Elrod (Female Patient)
People who worked on the film:
1) Robert Richardson (Director of Photography)
2) Martin Scorsese (Director)
3) Martin Scorsese (Producer)
4) Eugene Gearty (Supervising Sound Editor)
5) Ellen Lewis (Casting)
6) Dante Ferretti (Production Design)
7) Thelma Schoonmaker (Editor)
8) Robert Guerra (Supervising Art Director)
9) Dennis Lehane (Novel)
10) Francesca Lo Schiavo (Set Decoration)
11) Sandy Powell (Costume Design)
12) Curtis Lindersmith (Digital Intermediate)
13) Chris Taft (Digital Intermediate)
14) Randall Balsmeyer (Title Designer)
15) R. Bruce Steinheimer (Special Effects Coordinator)
16) Laeta Kalogridis (Screenplay)
17) Christina Ann Wilson (Art Direction)
18) Barbra Matis (Assistant Art Director)
19) Mike Medavoy (Producer)
20) Arnold Messer (Producer)
21) Alan D'Angerio (Hairstylist)
22) Patricia Woodbridge (Assistant Art Director)
23) Hinju Kim (Assistant Art Director)
24) Kam Chan (Foley Editor)
25) Marissa Littlefield (Supervising ADR Editor)
26) Robbie Robertson (Music Supervisor)
27) Al Cerullo (Pilot)
28) Fred Rosenberg (Dialogue Editor)
29) Ron Ames (Visual Effects Producer)
30) Robert Chapin (Digital Effects Supervisor)
31) Ian Kincaid (Chief Lighting Technician)
32) Max Biscoe (Art Direction)
33) Larry McConkey (Steadicam Operator)
34) Wenden K. Baldwin (Visual Effects Editor)
35) Matthew Gratzner (Visual Effects Supervisor)
36) Marianne Bower (Researcher)
37) Manlio Rocchetti (Makeup Department Head)
38) David Davenport (Costume Supervisor)
39) Jerry Popolis (Hair Department Head)
40) Philip Stockton (Supervising Sound Editor)
41) Patricia Regan (Key Makeup Artist)
42) Thomas A. Morris Jr. (Construction Coordinator)
43) Ben Grossmann (Visual Effects Supervisor)
44) Scott Getzinger (Property Master)
45) Christina Graff (Visual Effects Producer)
46) Paul Graff (Visual Effects Supervisor)
47) Magdalena Wolf (Visual Effects Producer)
48) Andrew Cooper (Still Photographer)
49) Michael Jortner (Assistant Property Master)
50) David Sanger (Visual Effects Producer)
51) Shannon Blake Gans (Visual Effects Producer)
52) Tom Fleischman (Sound Re-Recording Mixer)
53) Kathryn Blondell (Hairstylist)
54) Robert Legato (Visual Effects Supervisor)
55) Robert Legato (Second Unit Director of Photography)
56) Jennifer Dunnington (Music Editor)
57) Robin Citrin (Location Manager)
58) Martha Pinson (Script Supervisor)
59) Christine Fennell (Key Hair Stylist)
60) Marion Kolsby (Assistant Art Director)
61) Duke Scoppa (Assistant Property Master)
62) Guillaume DeLouche (Armorer)
63) Sian Grigg (Makeup Artist)
64) Debbie Holbrook (Key Costumer)
65) Lisa Padovani (Assistant Costume Designer)
66) David Fencl (Armorer)
67) Louis Phillips (Executive Producer)
68) Yvan Lucas (Digital Intermediate)
69) Meghan Rafferty (Casting Associate)
70) Scott Brock (First Assistant Editor)
71) Petur Hliddal (Sound Mixer)
72) Jamie Baker (Foley Editor)
73) Cathy Scorsese (Assistant Property Master)
74) Luke McDonald (CG Supervisor)
75) Adam Watkins (CG Supervisor)
76) James P. Meehan (Armorer)
77) Jack McPhee (Electrician)
78) Matthew H. O'Connor (Marine Coordinator)
79) Ann Powderly (Tailor)
80) Joni M. Huth (Tailor)
81) Simone Perusse (Electrician)
82) Andrew Bell (Rigging Grip)
83) Kim Kono (Electrician)
84) Daniel Pershing (Dolly Grip)
85) Llyr Tobias Johansen (Visual Effects Coordinator)
86) Paula Diane Lopez (Visual Effects Coordinator)
87) Ariane Rosier (Visual Effects Coordinator)
88) Jonathan Stone (Visual Effects Producer)
89) Robert Cuddy (Electrician)
90) Dave Provenzano (Electrician)
91) Jose 'Flecha' Hernandez (Electrician)
92) R. Scott Forster (Rigging Grip)
93) Tobias Haller (Rigging Grip)
94) Michael S. Roberts (Rigging Grip)
95) John Cowell (Ager/Dyer)
96) Dianna Reardon (Ager/Dyer)
97) Denise Andres (Costume Supervisor)
98) Bettina Hastie (Tailor)
99) Tom Reiser (Digital Intermediate)
100) Stephen Mann (Stunt Double)
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