Смотреть фильм "Egizaklar" онлайн бесплатно
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- Название фильма: Egizaklar
- Опубликовано: 21.10.2022
- Качество: SD
- Дубляж: Professional (PRO)
Описание фильма
Egizaklar (1988) - Kutilmagan burilish genetik tajribada sodir bo'ladi, uning davomida, aytmoqchi, bir-biridan butunlay farq qiladigan yangi tug'ilgan egizaklar ko'p yillar davomida ajralib turadi. Ammo baxtsiz aka-uka nihoyat uchrashadi ... o'qimishli, ammo butunlay johil gigant Yuliy va mehribon qalbga ega, past bo'yli, pul va ayollarga tashna bo'lmagan Vinsent. Qiz do'stlari va ularni ta'qib qilayotgan qotil bilan birodarlar onalarini qidirish uchun mamlakat bo'ylab sayohatga chiqishdi - lekin oxir-oqibat ular yana ko'p narsalarni topadilar. Faqat onagina ularga haqiqatni ayta oladi.
Неожиданный оборот принимает генетический эксперимент, во время которого новорождённых близнецов, которые, кстати, совершенно непохожи друг на друга, разлучают на долгие годы. Но несчастные братья наконец встречаются... Джулиус, образованный, но совершенно не знающий жизни гигант с добрым сердцем и Винсент, коротышка с неистребимой жаждой денег и женщин. В компании подружек и преследующего их наёмного убийцы братья отправляются в путешествие по стране на поиски своей матери — но в конце концов находят гораздо большее. Только мать может сказать им правду.
Roles of actors:
1) Arnold Schwarzenegger (Julius Benedict)
2) Danny DeVito (Vincent Benedict)
3) Kelly Preston (Marnie Mason)
4) Chloe Webb (Linda Mason)
5) Bonnie Bartlett (Old Mary Ann Benedict)
6) Marshall Bell (Webster)
7) Trey Wilson (Beetroot McKinley)
8) David Caruso (Al Greco)
9) Hugh O'Brian (Granger)
10) Tony Jay (Werner)
11) Nehemiah Persoff (Mitchell Traven)
12) Maury Chaykin (Burt Klane)
13) Tom McCleister (Bob Klane)
14) David Efron (Morris Klane)
15) Peter Dvorsky (Peter Garfield)
16) Robert Harper (Gilbert Larsen)
17) Rosemary Dunsmore (Miss Busby)
18) Lora Milligan (Stewardess)
19) Richard deFaut (Custodian)
20) Richard Portnow (Chop Shop Owner)
21) S.A. Griffin (Hollywood Biker #1)
23) Lew Hopson (Cop)
24) Frances Bay (Mother Superior)
25) Marvin J. McIntyre (McKinley's Man)
26) Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa (Oriental Man)
27) Wayne Grace (Cell Guard)
28) Thomas Wagner (Visiting Room Guard)
29) Jay Arlen Jones (Mover #1)
30) Ty Granderson Jones (Mover #2)
31) Elizabeth Kaitan (Secretary)
32) Tom Platz (Granger Son #1)
33) Roger Callard (Granger Son #2)
35) Catherine Reitman (Granger Granddaughter)
36) Dendrie Taylor (Female Neighbor)
37) Sven-Ole Thorsen (Sam Klane)
38) Gus Rethwisch (Dave Klane)
39) Linda Porter (Painter)
42) Frank Davis (Security Guard)
43) John Michael Bolger (Security Guard)
44) Steve Reevis (Indian)
45) Jeff Beck (Lead Guitarist)
46) Terry Bozzio (Drums)
48) Nicolette Larson (Singer)
49) Jill Avery (Bass Player)
50) Dustin Amy (Picture Taker #2 (uncredited))
51) Heather Graham (Young Mary Ann Benedict (uncredited))
52) Peter Kent (Man in Jail (uncredited))
53) Raymond Storti (Bar Patron (uncredited))
People who worked on the film:
1) William Goldman (Script Researcher)
2) Vince Deadrick Jr. (Stunts)
3) Georges Delerue (Original Music Composer)
4) Jeff Dawn (Makeup Artist)
5) Ed Verreaux (Set Designer)
6) Sheldon Kahn (Editor)
7) Sheldon Kahn (Associate Producer)
8) Michael Chinich (Casting)
9) James D. Bissell (Production Design)
10) James Teegarden (Set Designer)
11) Donn Cambern (Editor)
12) Ivan Reitman (Director)
13) Ivan Reitman (Producer)
14) Michael C. Gross (Executive Producer)
15) Leonard Engelman (Makeup Artist)
16) Jophery C. Brown (Stunts)
17) Gloria Gresham (Costume Design)
18) Peter Giuliano (First Assistant Director)
19) Randy Edelman (Original Music Composer)
20) Christopher Burian-Mohr (Art Direction)
21) Nancy Patton (Set Designer)
22) R. A. Rondell (Stunts)
23) Andrzej Bartkowiak (Director of Photography)
24) Joel Kramer (Stunt Coordinator)
25) Joel Kramer (Stunt Double)
26) Herschel Weingrod (Screenplay)
27) Timothy Harris (Screenplay)
28) Peggy Semtob (Hairstylist)
29) Gordon A. Webb (Unit Production Manager)
30) Gordon A. Webb (Associate Producer)
31) Tom McCarthy Jr. (Supervising Sound Editor)
32) Bobby Bass (Stunts)
33) William Davies (Screenplay)
34) Peter Afterman (Music Supervisor)
35) William Osborne (Screenplay)
36) Joe Medjuck (Executive Producer)
37) Ira S. Rosenstein (Second Second Assistant Director)
38) Frank Fitzpatrick (Supervising Music Editor)
39) Steve Boyum (Stunts)
40) Gordon Meloeny (Set Dresser)
41) Walter Robles (Stunts)
42) Bob Hagans (Color Timer)
43) Nick Dimitri (Stunts)
44) Erik Cord (Stunts)
45) Michael Lantieri (Special Effects Coordinator)
46) Steven Lambert (Stunts)
47) Bruce McBroom (Still Photographer)
48) Frank Davis (Production Assistant)
49) Joe Gilbert (ADR Editor)
50) Toby Phillips (Steadicam Operator)
51) Amber Alexander (Stunts)
52) Michael M. Vendrell (Stunts)
53) Barry K. Thomas (Second Assistant Director)
54) David Williams (Sound Effects Editor)
55) Debbie Evans (Stunts)
56) Debbie Evans (Stunt Driver)
57) Debra Bard (Assistant Editor)
58) Fred Judkins (Supervising Sound Editor)
59) William Hartman (Sound Effects Editor)
60) Mark Gordon (Sound Effects Editor)
61) Wilma Garscadden-Gahret (Script Supervisor)
62) Hope M. Parrish (Assistant Property Master)
63) David Marder (Transportation Coordinator)
64) Peter Tothpal (Hairstylist)
65) Bill MacSems (Property Master)
66) Judith A. Cory (Hairstylist)
67) David M. Ice (Sound Effects Editor)
68) Jeff Rosen (Sound Effects Editor)
69) Saul Saladow (Assistant Editor)
70) John Feinblatt (Transportation Captain)
71) Sandra Lee Gimpel (Stunts)
72) Pamela Easley (Production Coordinator)
73) Dustin Blauvelt (Camera Operator)
74) Adrienne Manhan (Costumer)
75) R. Michael De Chellis (Rigging Gaffer)
76) Steve Cantamessa (Boom Operator)
77) Edward Rossi (Sound Effects Editor)
78) Dawn Soler (Project Manager)
79) Gene S. Cantamessa (Sound Mixer)
80) Mary Ruth Smith (Sound Effects Editor)
81) John T. Walker (Set Decoration)
82) Khan Griffith (Grip)
83) Don S. Walden (Sound Effects Editor)
84) Chris Strong (Gaffer)
85) Donah Bassett (Negative Cutter)
86) Jerry Brutsche (Stunts)
87) Donna Garrett (Stunts)
88) Francis N. 'Lucky' Costello (Standby Painter)
89) Marguerite Happy (Stunts)
90) Pamela Cederquist (Production Coordinator)
91) Stephanie Epper (Stunts)
92) Bryan D. Garofalo (Set Dresser)
93) Rick A. Benedetto (Electrician)
94) Ellen Adolph (Production Accountant)
95) Richard Friedman (Supervising ADR Editor)
96) Peter Kent (Stunt Double)
97) Marlo Hellerstein (Transportation Captain)
98) Curt Marthey (Electrician)
99) Rodney Veto (Grip)
100) Cary Griffith (Key Grip)
101) Richard Drown (Stunts)
102) A. Michael Lerner (Stunts)
103) Tom Miller (Assistant Property Master)
104) Reid Burns (Color Timer)
105) Roy E. Harrison (Stunts)
106) Jeffrey James Bell (Assistant Editor)
107) Diane DeLouise Wessel (Assistant Music Supervisor)
108) Stuart Fink (Publicist)
109) Katherine Kotarakos (Makeup Artist)
110) Robert Ostermann (Hairstylist)
111) Linnea Ebba Wicklund (Second Second Assistant Director)
112) Kris Krengel (Production Assistant)
113) Frank James Sparks (Stunts)
114) Robert G. Santarella (Set Dresser)
115) Steven Lee Baer (Set Dresser)
116) Mark Jennings (Cableman)
117) Stuart Watnick (Assistant Property Master)
118) Dorothy O'Leary (Casting Assistant)
119) Tom Buffum (Special Sound Effects)
120) Paula Tracy Smuin (Choreographer)
121) Hank Sheppherd (Second Company Grip)
122) Phillip R. Sarabia (Grip)
123) William Kenney (Dolly Grip)
124) Ernie Depew (Construction Coordinator)
125) Eero Hautanen (Construction Foreman)
126) Mike Litteken (Construction Foreman)
127) Michael Neuman (Production Assistant)
128) Dylan Gross (Production Assistant)
129) Stephanie Kahn (Production Assistant)
130) Christine Cramer (Production Assistant)
131) Buzz Bundy (Stunts)
132) David Perna (Stunts)
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