Kraftga o'lim / Kraftni o'ldirish

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Онлайн на узбекском
IMDb: 2.2
1 Час. 39 мин.
  • Название фильма: Kraftga o'lim / Kraftni o'ldirish
  • Опубликовано: 21.06.2024
  • Качество: HD
  • Дубляж: Professional (PRO)

Описание фильма
Marina to'g'ridan-to'g'ri "A" talabasi bo'lib, professional qotil bo'lgan otasi va nogironlikdan azob chekayotgan onasi bilan yashaydi. Otasi o'ldirilganida, Marinaning hayoti tezda tartibsizlikka aylanadi, chunki u oilaviy biznesni o'z qo'liga oladi va onasi uchun yagona g'amxo'rlik qiladi.

Marina is a straight 'A' student living with her father, who is a professional hitman, and her mother who is suffering with a disability. Marina's life quickly turns into chaos when her father is killed on a mission leaving her to take over the family business and be the sole caregiver for her mother.

Roles of actors:
1) Michael Paré (Thomas Delon)
2) Sanae Loutsis (Marina Delon)
3) Bill Oberst Jr. (Poe)
4) Isis Eggleston (Freya)
5) Amy DiLorenzo (Ruth Delon)
6) Cole Springer (Kyle Freeman)

People who worked on the film:
1) Mark Savage (Director)
2) Mark Savage (Writer)