Смотреть фильм "Beket (1964)" онлайн бесплатно
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IMDb: 7.8
- Название фильма: Beket (1964)
- Опубликовано: 08.09.2024
- Качество: SD
- Дубляж: Professional (PRO)
Описание фильма
Beket - Genrix II ning atrofida hasadgo'y odamlar va intriganlar bor. Angliya hukmdori to'liq ishonadigan yagona odam - bu Tomas Beket. U xizmatkor va maslahatchi, harbiy maslahatchi va qirolning maftunkor sarguzashtlarida sherikdir. Kuchli dushman - katolik cherkovini bo'ysundirish uchun Genri Beketni Kenterberi arxiyepiskopi etib saylashga intiladi. Ammo qonunlarga tupurgan xushchaqchaq shov-shuvli odam birdan cherkov obro'sini mustahkamlashga intiladigan qat'iy va maqsadli siyosatchiga aylanadi. Sobiq do'stlar ashaddiy dushmanga aylanadi va ular o'rtasida keng qamrovli urush boshlanadi ...
Roles of actors:
1) Richard Burton (Becket / Thomas Becket)
2) Peter O'Toole (his King / King Henry II)
3) John Gielgud (King Louis of France / King Louis VII of France)
4) Gino Cervi (the Cardinal / Cardinal Zambelli)
5) Paolo Stoppa (the Pope / Pope Alexander III)
6) Donald Wolfit (Bishop Folliot)
7) David Weston (Brother John)
8) Martita Hunt (Empress Matilda)
9) Pamela Brown (Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine)
10) Percy Herbert (Baron)
11) Siân Phillips (Gwendolen)
12) Inigo Jackson (Robert de Beaumont)
13) Felix Aylmer (Archbishop of Canterbury)
14) Niall MacGinnis (Baron)
15) Christopher Rhodes (Baron)
16) John Phillips (Bishop of Winchester)
17) Frank Pettingell (Bishop of York)
18) Véronique Vendell (French Prostitute)
19) Jennifer Hilary (Peasant's Daughter)
20) David Davenport ()
21) Hamilton Dyce (Bishop of Chichester)
22) Peter Jeffrey (Baron)
23) Michael Miller (Baron)
24) Peter Prowse (Baron)
25) Jack Taylor ()
26) Chris Adcock (Sergeant (uncredited))
27) Michael Anthony (Courtier (uncredited))
28) Geoffrey Bayldon (Brother Philip (uncredited))
29) Roy Beck (Young French Boy (uncredited))
30) Garrett Cassell (Man (uncredited))
31) Dave Clark (Soldier (uncredited))
32) George Lane Cooper (Soldier (uncredited))
33) Ian Cullen (Servant (uncredited))
34) Ivor Dean (Monk (uncredited))
35) Guy Deghy (Man (uncredited))
36) John Doye (Priest (uncredited))
37) Paul Farrell (Farmer (uncredited))
38) Patrick Halpin (Monk (uncredited))
39) Laurie Heath (Boy (uncredited))
40) Laurence Hepworth (Bishop (uncredited))
41) Rose Howlett (Farmer's Wife (uncredited))
42) Magda Konopka (Girl on Balcony (uncredited))
43) Gerald Lawson (English Peasant (uncredited))
44) Wilfrid Lawson (Old Soldier (uncredited))
45) Paul Layton (Boy (uncredited))
46) Tutte Lemkow (French Courtier (uncredited))
47) Linda Marlowe (Farmer's Daughter (uncredited))
48) John Moulder-Brown (Boy (uncredited))
49) Patrick Newell (William of Corbeil (uncredited))
50) Riggs O'Hara (Prince Henry (uncredited))
51) Frederick Piper (Monk (uncredited))
52) Dido Plumb (Man in Crowd (uncredited))
53) Steve Plytas (Cardinal (uncredited))
54) Robert Rietti (Alexander III (voice) (uncredited))
55) Alex Scott (Priest (uncredited))
56) Terence Soall (Man (uncredited))
57) Victor Spinetti (French Tailor (uncredited))
58) Graham Stark (Pope's Secretary (uncredited))
59) Fred Stroud (Church Guard (uncredited))
60) Elizabeth Taylor (Blonde Village Woman (uncredited))
61) Royston Tickner (Royal Servant (uncredited))
62) Fred Wood (Congregation Member (uncredited))
63) Edward Woodward (Clement (uncredited))
People who worked on the film:
1) Peter Glenville (Director)
2) Joseph H. Hazen (Executive Producer)
3) Hal B. Wallis (Producer)
4) Lucienne Hill (Translator)
5) Laurence Rosenthal (Original Music Composer)
6) Anne V. Coates (Editor)
7) Geoffrey Unsworth (Director of Photography)
8) Maurice Carter (Art Direction)
9) Edward Anhalt (Screenplay)
10) Jean Anouilh (Theatre Play)
11) John Bryan (Production Design)
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