Смотреть фильм "Yig'layotgan qotil / Yig'lagan odam" онлайн бесплатно
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IMDb: 6.7
- Название фильма: Yig'layotgan qotil / Yig'lagan odam
- Опубликовано: 06.10.2024
- Качество: HD
- Дубляж: Professional (PRO)
Описание фильма
Yig'layotgan qotil / Yig'lagan odam - Onasini tashlab ketganidan so'ng, Kon qotil bo'lish uchun Amerikaga hijrat qildi. Bir kuni, navbatdagi qotillikni amalga oshirayotganda, Kon tasodifan yosh qizni o'ldiradi va begunoh bolaning o'limi uchun aybdor bo'ladi. Uning boshlig'i qotilga yangi vazifa - qizning onasini o'ldirishni topshiradi. Konning yangi maqsadi - investitsiya kompaniyasida menejer bo'lib ishlaydigan Mo Kyung. Yuragi ezilgan ona xavfli fitna markazida turganini bilmay, o‘z ishiga ko‘miladi. Va keyin u bolasining o'limi haqidagi haqiqatni aytmoqchi bo'lgan bir odamni uchratadi. Kon o'zi uchun ish beruvchilariga Mo Kyungni o'ldirishga ruxsat bermaslikka qaror qildi ...
Roles of actors:
1) 장동건 (Gon)
2) 김민희 (Mo-kyeong)
3) Brian Tee (Charles)
4) 김민재 (Team Leader Park)
5) Jun Kim (John Lee)
6) 김희원 (Head of a Department Byeon)
7) 전배수 (Detective Jang)
8) 변요한 (Song Joon-gi)
9) 이영란 (Ok-soon)
10) Kang Ji-woo (Yoo-mi)
11) Anthony Dilio (Juan)
12) Alexander Wraith (Alvaro)
13) Rich Ting (Asing)
14) Dana Lee (Dai Ban)
15) Angela Bullock (Emma)
16) 김소진 (Mi-jin)
17) 강한나 (Kindergarten Teacher)
18) Park Ji-yeon (Ventura Holdings Team Member #1)
19) 박병은 (Ha Yoon-guk)
20) Jang In-sub (Financial Crimes Team Member)
21) Moon Lee Ho (Fat Hacker)
22) Minae Noji (Mo-Geyoung)
23) Jennifer Buttell (CPS Officer)
24) Choi Seung-Il (Ventura Holdings)
25) 이동휘 (Electric Vehicle Engineer)
26) Ben Lepley (Mob Henchman)
27) Todd Haberkorn (DetectiveJang)
28) Skoti Collins (Rescue Sherrif)
29) Alessandro Cuomo (Aponte)
30) 민성욱 (Plainclothes Detective)
31) 이재인 (Dai Ban Granddaughter)
32) 김나희 (Yoo-Mi's Friend)
33) Go Woo-rim (Young Gon)
34) Kim Ji-seong (Gon's mother)
35) Kim Won-beom (Park Won-sang)
36) 김그림 ()
37) Kim Tae-Hoon (Ventura Holdings team member)
38) 이규형 (Ventura Holdings team member)
39) 이동휘 (Electric vehicle engineer)
40) 매튜 다우마 (Slave guard)
41) 김성오 (112 police voice)
42) 강한나 (Kindergarten teacher)
43) Ji Gun-woo (Director Byun's subordinate)
44) Shin Sung-il (Byeon's subordinate)
45) Hwang Sang-kyung (Byeon's subordinate)
46) Lee Seung-chan (Detective)
47) Choi Je-heon (Byeon's subordinate)
48) 남연우 (Byeon's subordinate)
49) Park Sang-hoon (Byeon's subordinate)
50) Jang In-sub (Finance crime special team)
51) 서현우 (Finance crime special team)
52) Lee Gyeong-heon (Finance crime special team)
53) Kim Yeon-soo ([Nurse])
54) Joo Young-ho (Bomb disposal team leader)
55) 이재인 (Dae Ban's granddaughter)
56) Son Seong-chan ()
57) Yoo Ok-joo (Middle aged female housekeeper)
58) Shin Jae-hwan (Head of a department Byun's underling)
59) Son Cheol-min (National Forensic Service employee)
60) Kim Moon-hak (Analyst)
People who worked on the film:
1) 정도안 (Special Effects Supervisor)
2) Park Jae-wan (Props)
3) Kim Tae-Won (Production Supervisor)
4) Lee Chul-oh (Lighting Director)
5) 정윤헌 (Stunts)
6) 이정범 (Director)
7) Kwon Ji-hoon (Stunts)
8) 이모개 (Director of Photography)
9) 신유진 (VFX Supervisor)
10) 이정범 (Screenplay)
11) Kim Sung-woo (Producer)
12) Cho Min-ho (Sound Recordist)
13) Nam Na-young (Editor)
14) Kim Sung-an (Camera Operator)
15) Baek Hyun-ik (Line Producer)
16) Choi Eui-young (Costume Design)
17) Lee Hwa-sung (Art Direction)
18) Kim Hyun-jung (Makeup & Hair)
19) Park Ju-kang (Sound Supervisor)
20) Choi Yong-rock (Original Music Composer)
21) Yang Hong-sam (Production Design)
22) Lee Won-haeng (Line Producer)
23) 허명행 (Fight Choreographer)
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